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Panzer IV

Without a doubt the backbone of the German panzer divisions. This is the BANDAI kit which I have heavily modified to the 'h' variety (I think)! The additional plating proved highly effective at stopping the Russian hollow-point ammunition from anti tank rifles from penetrating the hull and turret. As you can see, all the side panels are removable. The additional detail was added using plastic card and brass strips. This kit has also been modified to run as a FULL OPTION model much like the Tamiya tanks, using Tamiya internals it now has all the features of these such as recoil, muzzle flash, engine sound, MG flash, etc.


Smashing little machine

Close up of the removable armour panels

The front, technically known as, well, erm the front

Think someone needs to visit the car wash

The plastc panels can be easily bent into shape over a hot gas hob

Turret mounted MG, for that 24 hour feeling of protection

Notice the scratch-built cleaning rods

Nice top view showing the layout of the armour plates

Notice the grills added to the vents on the engine deck

Rear view showing the extra detail kit, the exhaust works too!

Check out his toolbox....oooer

The 'rope' is simply twisted electrical wire painted

Turret detail

WIP shot showing all the extra detail added (the white bits)

WIP shot showing all the extra detail added (the white bits)

WIP shot showing all the extra detail added (the white bits)

WIP shot showing all the extra detail added (the white bits)

WIP shot showing all the extra detail added (the white bits)

And here she is in ambush camo..

Glue the air filters on the right way with this one!

Note the shell hole, close shave!

Again all the panels are removable

Nice new jacket!

Good shot showing the turret armour



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