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Warprunner Reaver Titan

Classic Armorcast Reaver Titan, always beena fan of this so chuffed that I managed to bag one to complete the company!

The Reaver is the mainstay of any Titan force balancing firepower with protection, usually held back to defend important positions but not adverse to dishing a little of Mr pain out when needed

This model is slightly modified to allow him to pose with one leg raised on the Rhino model, I like to think of it as my Bruce Dickinson position

Check out the rest of the Titan legion here!!!



The base model, all blacked up and ready for a little detailing

Didnt go too crazy on the details on this one, the Flame camo is busy enough

Added a few Titan symbols on the legs and some piping on the back


Also cranelated the carapace to bring it into line with the Warhounds


Finally finished, think I will call him mocanhead

rear view showing the exra piping detail added

The toes were slightly modified to give them that 'floppy' look

handsome chap aint he

Top down view showing panel details

Bovis canis

Note the dead chaos marines hanging out the hatches!

Gives it a little more dynamic posture than the standard Reaver I think

There he is, in all his glory

Close up showing the banner, made nice and tall to give the Reaver a more towering presence ove the Warhounds

Nuther random shot...

Will eventually mount it ona base to add a little more height over the hounds


Pulled out these old Titan crew figs from the bits box, stuck a few wires in their noggins!



Site Design By Skud © Bulldog Models 2006 -2007